How to keep up your yoga practice on the road

2016Apr25_Yoga_AMany yoga practitioners love to travel, but, despite good intentions, keeping up with the practice while on the road can be challenging. As you explore new places, cultures and foods, it’s easy to forget about the routines of your normal life, yoga being one of them. So how can you maintain your yoga practice while traveling? It all starts with being prepared and following these simple guidelines.

Pack your yoga gear

You’re traveling, so you don’t need to pack every single yoga item and accessory you have. Instead, think essentials: yoga towel, comfortable clothing to practice in and, of course, your yoga mat. And speaking of yoga mat, avoid packing the one you normally bring to class. Instead, see if you can find a light, more compact yoga mat that doesn’t take up too much space in your suitcase.

Practice early

When you travel it’s easy for plans to change as you discover the new and unexpected. While this is one of the joys of traveling, it can also be very disruptive to your yoga practice. So try practicing first thing in the morning. By doing this, there’s no chance you’ll accidentally skip your practice due to distractions later in the day and you’ll also feel more present and centered for all the new experiences ahead of you.

Find classes in the area you’re traveling

Of course, if you’d rather experience the local yoga culture instead of practicing solo in your hotel, you can also find a class. There are a couple ways you can go about this. You can check notice boards at visitor or shopping centers, ask the receptionist at your hotel or other locals, or simply Google yoga classes in your area.

Stay at hotels that offer classes

If you want to attend a class while traveling, but don’t want to bother with the hassle of finding one on your own, an alternative option is to simply stay at accommodation that offers classes. While this may sound difficult, more and more hotels, lodges and guesthouses are featuring this as a perk to staying with them. If you have yet to book your accommodation, add “yoga” as a keyword when searching for a place to stay.

Find creative places to practice

You’ve surely seen images of people practicing yoga in exotic beach destinations, in the mountains or on a pier overlooking crystal clear waters. Why can’t you do the same? But don’t let your imagination stop you there, you can roll out your yoga mat in just about any place that can accommodate it. So think outside the box. You can try yoga in an airport lounge, on the grass at a highway rest stop, or even in the town square of your destination amidst the fountains and tourists. Sure you may garner some odd stares from passerbyers, but it can also be a fun alternative to the norm. Remember you’re traveling and you’ll likely never see these people again, so why not be that yoga weirdo in love with her practice?

Maintaining your yoga practice while traveling doesn’t have to be a burden. While you may not be able to stick to your regular routine, there are plenty of opportunities to have fun with your practice. And when you get back, we’ll be happy to hear about your adventures and ready to welcome you in our classes. Until then, happy travels.

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.

3 tips for your first partner yoga class

2016Mar14_Yoga_AWhen you’re in yoga class, balancing in scorpion pose, focusing on your breath and pondering the greater mysteries of the universe, have you ever felt like there was something missing? No, we’re not talking about that special someone who magically completes your life…okay, actually we might be, but in a more literal sense. To be more clear, we’re talking about partner yoga. A type of yoga where you bring a significant other or friend to class to practice with you. If you have yet to hear about partner yoga, here’s what it’s all about.

What is partner yoga?

Partner yoga is exactly what it sounds like: doing yoga together with a partner in class, instead of solo. Expect to get physically close to your partner as you will be maneuvering into poses, hands-on with him or her. Sometimes the two of you will form into poses you never thought possible, as your bodies take the shape of some crazy, elevated jigsaw puzzle. Other times you will simply tumble over. Whatever happens, it will be all in good fun, as long as you follow these simple rules.

1. Bring the right partner

Your partner can make or break your experience. Don’t just choose some random acquaintance or new friend. Choose someone you can trust. You will have your hands on each other, be in each other’s personal space, and need to clearly communicate with him or her. And you’ll be doing this for an entire, hour long class. A good partner choice is likely your boyfriend or girlfriend, or a spouse. However, a close friend can also do the trick…especially if you’re simply looking to share a few laughs and some fun.

2. Come prepared

When you come to partner yoga, you need to bring the same items you would to your normal class. That includes a yoga mat, towel and water bottle. Also, like your normal yoga class, make sure to wear comfortable clothes. Lastly, (and probably most importantly) ensure your partner brings the above items too, minus the yoga mat as you only need one for the both of you. If your partner is new to yoga, they will likely be clueless as to what to bring. Make it your mission to fill them in.

3. Have an open mind

If you’re considering partner yoga, you likely already follow this guideline. Regardless, get ready for a yoga experience that is a bit more carefree than your typical Vinyasa class, and much more loose than a Bikram session. There will be plenty of playful opportunities and laughter in class, so be prepared to have fun while helping support your partner in various poses.

If you follow these three guidelines, you are sure to have a blast in your first partner yoga class. For more information on different yoga varieties or class times at our studio, give us a call today.

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.