Common yoga questions answered

2016Mar21_Yoga_AYoga can seem a bit like a cult. Dozens of people line up in a classroom, all dressed in similar outfits, moving in unison and sometimes chanting words in a foreign language. To an outsider, this odd display of behavior can bring up a lot of questions. So if you’re scratching your head, wondering what’s the deal with this whole “yoga thing”, here are some answers to common questions the yoga curious ask.

What is yoga?

Yoga originated in India over 2,000 years ago. While today most people perform yoga through a series of postures and stretches, the original practice of yoga was much broader and included 8 total practices, which were referred to as “limbs”. The postures you see students performing in your local gym are one of these 8 limbs; the others include concentration, ethical guidelines, breathing exercises and a few others.

The original purpose of the posture-based yoga practice was to purify the body and prepare it for long meditation sessions. If you were to follow this and the other 7 practices, you would hopefully achieve the ultimate goal: samdhi, referred to today as enlightenment.

So does that mean yoga is a religion?

When you see how serious some students take yoga, you can see why it’s sometimes misinterpreted as a religion. However, yoga by no means qualifies as one. It should be noted that it was originally created as a philosophy (as described in the previous answer above), and some of the more devout practitioners today would still consider it a way of life. With that said, modern-day yoga can really be whatever you want it to. It can simply be a means to improve your flexibility, mental focus and health, or it can be a serious discipline that shapes every aspect of your life. Regardless of what yoga means to you, there are many varieties that are a far cry from religion. These include rage yoga (which involves cursing, screaming, and sometimes drinking beer), cat yoga, stiletto yoga and more.

Do you have to be a vegetarian to practice?

Vegetarianism in yoga is a hotly debated issue. One of the original principles of yoga philosophy stresses non-harming to self and others. Some interpret this to mean you can’t eat meat, as doing so harms animals. And if you choose to eat your triple cheeseburgers, steaks and mounds of bacon, you may be scrutinized by some of the old-school members of the yoga community. However, most fellow yoga practitioners won’t bat an eye, and will even enjoy that philly cheesesteak with you.

The point is that practicing yoga and eating meat is a matter of choice. You are free to do so if you’d like. And in today’s modern yoga scene, most people could care less whether you do or not.

How many times should you practice per week?

To achieve some of the benefits of yoga, aim to practice at least one hour a week. By doing so, you should notice your body becoming more limber with less pain and a slightly increased mental focus. However, if you want a more dramatic difference, aim to practice for an hour, 3 or 4 times per week. This can help you develop better posture and more muscle strength, greatly improve your disposition and provide an array of health benefits that include lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.

How is yoga different from stretching?

On the surface, it’s easy to see why some people think yoga is just some glorified stretching practice. When you look closer though, there a few key differences. For one, most yoga classes try to sync your movement with breath. For example when you move into a stretch, you will breath in, and then exhale when you release it. Also, yoga requires you to pay attention to more than just the stretch and posture you’re maneuvering into. You’ll also be aware of what’s going on in your body, mind and breathing process. Becoming more aware of these three things will help you develop focus and mental clarity both on and off the yoga mat.

We hope these five answers will help shed some light on these common yoga questions. If you have more you’d like to ask or are interested in joining a class, call us today.

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.

Naked yoga: the next big thing

Yoga_2015Nov16_AIn the yoga world, it seems like everyone is looking for the next trend. This year we’ve seen hot, office, and live music yoga varieties grow in popularity. One trend making waves recently was shirtless yoga. If you decided to try that form of practice, then our next suggestion isn’t all that wild. And if you thought shirtless yoga was crazy, you ain’t seen nothing yet. We’re here to introduce to you the newest trend in yoga – naked yoga.

There you are in yoga class, eyes closed and breathing deeply in the twisted sage pose. You open your eyes and notice something wrong. The person next to you doesn’t appear to be wearing any clothes. You dismiss it as a figment of your imagination, close your eyes again, and switch positions. You release your pose, open your eyes once more only to be startled by the sight of another naked person. You start looking around at the entire class to soon realize everyone in the room is as naked as the day there were born.

To some people this scenario might sound like the makings of a bad dream, but it is actually becoming a reality at yoga studios across the country. Naked yoga has gone from being thought of by more conservative types as deviant behavior, to a respected and growing form of the practice. More and more studios are offering naked co-ed yoga classes to meet growing demand.

We understand the thought of practicing yoga in the nude around others may seem like a frightening proposition, but there are numerous reasons to consider giving it try. Before dismissing it completely, consider some of the following reasons others are raving about naked yoga.

Finally feel comfortable with your body

It can be hard for people to feel liberated from the body image they have created for themselves. Oftentimes there is a desire to cover what we perceive to be imperfections, and that can lead us to feeling uncomfortable in our own skin. That all changes with naked yoga. By practicing yoga in the nude, you no longer have the option of hiding or covering up the parts you don’t like. Eventually you learn to be more accepting of your body as it is, instead of how you perceive it to be.

You will also see how others with less than perfect bodies – and trust us, there will be plenty of them in your naked yoga class – are able to have confidence in themselves. Ideally, you will learn to accept and maybe even love your body the way it is after seeing others who are able to do the same.

Practice yoga the way it should be

Yoga is a practice that is thousands of years old. And for most of that time, yoga practitioners were not rocking yoga pants and tank tops. In fact, yoga fashion is strictly an advent of modern times. The reality is that the body should be free when doing poses, and there is nothing freer than being naked.

Those who enjoy naked yoga claim to be more mindful and aware, because of the greater freedom they have during class. No matter how light your clothes may be, they are still restrictive – and the more something is restricting your movement, the less likely you are to achieve true awareness of your breathing and poses.

It’s not the creep market you would assume

When we first told you about naked yoga, you probably pictured a class full of middle-aged men with moustaches, trying to pass off their doormat as a yoga mat in an attempt to catch a glimpse of some skin. In fact, the reality is that only the most serious yogis sign up for naked yoga classes.

People who practice this are there because they are committed to yoga, and want to experience the freedom naked yoga brings, not because they are hoping to catch a glimpse of the bits and bobs of the human anatomy. Chances are you are more likely to be ogled or stared at during a trip to the gym than at a naked yoga class.

It’s a new experience

It comes down to this – if you enjoy yoga, you should at least give naked yoga a try. Think about how many people thought hot yoga sounded awful before going into a studio for a class? A lot of those people came out fans of the practice. Sure, naked yoga sounds scary, and it will force you to face some fears, but isn’t that what life’s all about? Even if you don’t like it, at least you can tell your less-committed yoga friends you had the courage to give it a shot.

If you are looking for a welcoming, diverse place where you can practice yoga, then come check out our studio. We offer all kinds of yoga classes designed to help you get the most out of your yoga experience.

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.